Where Should I Book My Hotel in Phi Phi?

Planning your first trip to Phi Phi Islands can be tough. Despite their small size and the fact that only one island of the group of six – Koh Phi Phi Don – offers accommodation choices, there is still a great variety of destinations in Phi Phi to suit different tastes.  Check out our introduction and description of the four main areas of Phi Phi Islands below; it will surely help you to plan your first time here.

Should I book my hotel in Phi Phi Don Central Area?

The area counts four sub-areas: Tonsai West, Tonsai Village, Loh Dalum, and Tonsai East. It is the liveliest place in the whole Phi Phi Islands and hosts a great choice of hotels, restaurants, boutiques, and bars for all type of customers and budgets. Tonsai West is the quietest side of the area, while Loh Dalum, Tonsai Village and, to a slightly lesser degree, Tonsai East are the buzziest parts of Phi Phi Don.